Etiquette in Dating an Escort
Each and everyone has their own reasons why they would hire escorts. Some are just bored, some want the experience itself, and some just needs a companion temporarily. For whatever reason, there are still unwritten rules you have to follow.
Hygiene first. This is a basic thing to follow whoever you’re dating with. Spend some time in making yourself presentable. As they said, first impression lasts. You wouldn’t want to show up with worn-out clothes would you? Just as you expect an escort to look as attractive as possible for you, an escort would be pleased if you’d do the same too.
Prepare yourself. Do your research when hiring an escort and choose wisely. There are a lot of people who share their experiences online. Read about them and learn on what and what not to do.
Prepare to converse. Practice conversing if you need to. Prepare questions or topics beforehand; just don’t overdo it. Be as spontaneous as possible. Being silent with someone you just met is a major buzzkill. When you have topics in mind prepared, you won’t have dead air in your conversations.
Not too personal. Don’t just blurt out questions that are too personal. Build up the conversation first. Start with simple questions about her hobbies and interests. Refrain from asking personal questions about family or childhood stories.
Talk about plans ahead of time. Not all escorts are hired for sex. Some are hired to socialize and serve as companions. Set your expectations and talk about the activities you’ll be doing with an escort. Give her something to look forward to. If possible, you can also set your limitations (if you have one).
Respect begets respect. No matter who you talk to, it’s important to show respect. You hired them as professionals, and in the end, it’s just all about business.
Answer all of her questions. This might be a double standard, but this could happen anytime. She does not know who you are. It is standard to practice to be asked some personal questions. It’s your choice if you want to tell everything ultimately. You might be asked about your job, where you live, and your family. Be prepared to answer these questions. Simple answers may do. You can also gauge from her questions how comfortable she is with you.
Hiring an escort for the first time may be nerve-wracking. Just make sure to do your research prior and follow these guidelines, you will ace that date! And remember, escorts are not your future wife or girlfriend. Be professional and be spontaneous!