The Hottest Ways to Spice Up Your Solo Sex

Masturbation can be the starting point for understanding your own body and sexual preferences. It is a great way to discover the body parts you like to touch, the movements and pressures you enjoy, and the positions you find most pleasurable. However, if you are an experienced masturbator, like at many famous cam sites, as many of us are, you can get into a routine. However, it is never too late to revitalize your solo sex life and discover new ways to use your free time to experiment with new fantasies, touches, climaxes, or whims. Here are some ideas to spice up your alone time.

Try New Breathing Techniques

breathingIt can be intimidating to try something new if you have been stuck in a typical pattern for a while. That’s why it can be a good idea to start with the basics, such as learning different breathing techniques. Many people tight their muscles, stay still, and hold their breath while trying to achieve orgasm when having solo sex, writes a sexologist in an article titled Pleasure and Health published by the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology. He states that breathing and tight muscles reduce blood flow, reducing pleasure. He suggests switching to abdominal breathing, rocking the pelvis, and rhythmically tensing the muscles (alternating tension and release).

Let Your Imagination Run Wild Instead of Watching Porn

If you always use the same site, the same category, and the exact porn search when masturbating, it can be easy to get into automatic mode. Instead, try imagining different situations in which you are attracted to someone. This can help you become aware of the things that really get your blood pumping and the physical effects these ideas have on you. It is a helpful way to practice mindfulness when you are alone and to pay attention to the sensations in your body and the direction of your thoughts when you are about to orgasm. Porn can be even better if you use your imagination for a while.

Heat Up Your Orgasm by Edging

edgingTry edging, the practice of delaying orgasm as long as possible to warm up the time spent alone. Reach the edge and stop there. Repeat after a short interval of time. Try to reach orgasm as many times as possible without exploding. For many people, the longer you wait to reach orgasm, the bigger the explosion. Slow sex is an alternative to this concept for those who possess a vulva. One sex educator advises those with a vulva to stimulate only the upper left quadrant of the clitoris for one hour. If you want to try edging with a partner, it is also a good idea to practice alone during sex.

There is nothing wrong with having a reliable sex drive. But you can also try new things to see what your body can tolerate. When you masturbate, you can focus entirely on yourself without thinking about what others need or want. And therefore, you can experiment in a relaxed environment. Solo sex can be even more fun with an occasional variety. It can also be an excellent opportunity to learn more about your body and try new sexual techniques. So try new things, get a new toy, and expand your options when it comes to solo sex. You never know what you can learn about yourself along the way.…

Natural Ways to Increase Your Penis Size

It’s not only women who suffer negative body image as men also stress penis girth and length. This is because some don’t have a naturally prominent penis. In addition, lifestyle changes can affect your penis size and girth. If you want to gain control of your sexual health, you can try the best penis enlargement pills. The supplements use formulas with organic ingredients to raise testosterone levels, increase sexual arousal and improve erectile function. Keep reading this article for tips to boost your penis size naturally.

Quit Smoking

smokingSmoking affects your penis size due to tobacco smoke particles created in arteries supplying blood to the penis. Also, smoking is linked to heart diseases that affect blood flow to body organs, including the penis. Anxiety and stress can also reduce your sex drive. This happens as negative feelings make blood flow from your penis. Consequently, it becomes challenging to increase your organ size.

In addition, consuming food high in calories and saturated fat while physically inactive causes the penis to shrink significantly. This can lead to problems with fertility and poor health. Lack of physical activity can increase cholesterol in arteries disrupting proper blood circulation to your penis and causing it to shrink. Therefore, it’s best to opt for a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Perform Penis Stretching Exercises

stretchThe penis comprises three tissue chambers that absorb blood to the penis from your circulatory system. When the chambers are filled with blood, this process leads to an erection. The primary reason to work out is to create a tensile strength by stretching tissues that erect male genitals. Movements like jelq and cloth warm-up are considered most successful in increasing penis size naturally.

Trim Your Pubic Hair

shaveMost men shave their pubes to prepare for oral sex and look clean. Another reason is that it may increase your penis size when it’s more petite or average. It won’t physically add your partner’s much-needed inch, but it gives a more prominent appearance. Cutting pubes frees up more penis to give the illusion that it’s bigger than last evening.

Practice Pelvic Floor Exercises or KEGEL

The penis size becomes more prominent as you get an erection. The key to solid erections is training the penis to increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscle group is placed to push blood to cavities in the penis, leading to a more rigid erection. Hence, it makes sense to train these muscles to achieve stronger erections.

These are some of the natural solutions to increase the size of your penis. However, their efficiency depends on your age, condition, and general health. Thanks for reading.…

Factors to Consider When Taking Male Sexual Enlargement Supplements

Sexual dysfunction can affect men at any age group through common when you grow older. This includes erectile dysfunction, endurance, ejaculation problems, and low libido. Such issues cause severe challenges in relationships and one’s esteem. Unfortunately, prescription medications carry various health risks and side effects. For this reason, most men turn to health supplements for practical solutions to enhance their performance and naturally boost sexual health. In this blog, we discuss some factors to consider when taking penis enlargement medicine

Consider Pills Made From Organic Ingredients

pillsThere’s a trend for people to avoid synthetic drugs and health products. Similarly, enhancement supplements need to be organic based with natural ingredients like acids and vitamins. When carefully made at the correct dosage, they may, to some extent, have the remedial impact to help regain your sex life when you have a healthy lifestyle.

Practically, having a below-average penis can limit active and healthy sex life, which may make self-conscious men look for supplement options. However, it’s proven that taking such supplements doesn’t affect your penis size. They don’t increase the measurement but can maximize your erection vigor and duration.

Establish the Manufacturers Reputation

With many manufacturers in the market, choosing the best product can be challenging. The brand names are mostly synonymous with product quality. Although some new suppliers offer reasonably priced and quality products, it’s better to opt for those with a better reputation. When you find yourself suffering from any illness, you need to see a doctor before finding the best male enhancement pill. Some medications can reduce the effectiveness of the supplements. Additionally, doctors are knowledgeable on various enhances and can recommend the best that meets your needs.

Choose Supplements with No Negative Effects

bananaThe best male sex enhancement pills are likely without side effects. Usually, they are from natural ingredients like plant extracts and herbs that don’t result in side effects. In the market, you find various enhancements pills with different prices. Expensive pills don’t signify the best to buy. Also, when you purchase very cheap brands, you might get low-quality products. Therefore, you need to establish some attributes that include their safety. The best pills should also be 100% from natural ingredients and effective. You can read reviews from previous customers that have tried the pills and find them effective and safe. Also, message or communicate to the manufacturing company when you have questions or are in doubt.…